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Clinic Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00am-9:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-5:00pm
 Sunday: on call

Tel: (514) 693-9777

Therapeutic Massage & Osteopathy

A Vital Aspect of Active Living

Why Therapeutic Massage?

As president and active practitioner of Force Vitale Therapeutic and Sport Massage, I have often been asked, "Why is it important to include regular massage therapy treatments as part of a stress management program?"


Many men and women in today’s fast-moving society experience both physical and psychological challenges that tend to inhibit their otherwise enjoyable active lifestyles.


Force Vitale provides massage therapy treatment programs, which will enhance your recreational or day-to-day activities. Our well-designed programs ensure that you can continue to enjoy your active lifestyle, with a heightened sense of well being, and without pain or injury.


Some of our new clients, who had slipped into a pattern of a relatively sedentary lifestyle, discovered that our personalized programs of therapeutic massage have motivated them to embark on a more active, healthy and rewarding lifestyle.


Some of the principal benefits of therapeutic massage are as follows:

•    Improved joint mobility
•    Increased soft tissue flexibility
•    Stress and pain management
•    More restful sleep
•    Better digestion and less constipation
•    Improved blood and lymphatic circulation
•    Increased body awareness
•    Increased efficiency at work
•    Relief of tension underlying back pain / headaches

I invite you to take advantage of the professional massage therapy programs offered by our highly qualified, experienced and caring therapists, to ensure and maximize your continual enjoyment of an active and healthy lifestyle.


Call us today or visit us at our clinic for a preliminary consultation to discuss your specific needs. Based on our assessment of this consultation, Force Vitale will be pleased to recommend the appropriate steps and answer all your inquiries to give you peace of mind.






Julie Mischook - President - Osteopath and Masso-inesitherapist, Naturotherapist and Personal Trainer


Member of Société Canadienne pour la Traduction de l'ostéopathie (So.Ca.To), Association Québécoise des Thérapeutes Naturels (AQTN)